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Tribute Gathering

> btw, bruce, a better e-mail address to use would be my home address 
> (kendrickjd at aol_com) and not work.  don't want to get in trouble right before
> i leave.  i  was reading gardner's post about the problems with the album,
> and i got to thinking... before we move too much farther with this, shouldn't
> we check with the band--or at least inform them that "we're doing this, damn
> it, whether you like it or not"?

Wow.  I made someone think.  Cool.  ;-)  I agree, if this is going to go
much further, we should talk to the band somehow soon.

> what would everyone think about trying to
> set a weekend and all get together somewhere (bruce's house?!?!?!?!) and all
> (or as many as could come) of us bring our instruments and voices and ideas
> and try and help each other out?  and if it could work, we could split the
> cost of renting a studio or use someone's equipment that has the ability to
> record.

I'm all for it.  My boss owes me one now (see message entitled AH CRAP!) so
I can get any time off in the future that I would like.

> heck, maybe linford would produce it for us!!

Hm.  If wishes were horses.... That would kick ass though.


"To be, or not to be; that is the infinitive."

"2b, or not 2b; that is the apartment number"

Brian Gardner, "Twisted Quotes"