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FW: good reads, modesty

"A Good Man is Hard to Find", is that the one where the family crashes the
car and it ends really weird(not to ruin it for anyone)???  If it is I like
her.  She has a Tarantino kind of bluntness. Makes you kind of sick at your
stomach... gotta love it.

l. godlove wrote:

mostly, she wrote short stories.  
my personal favourites:  "A Good Man is Hard to Find,"
 "Everything that Rises Must Converge," and of course,
"Parker's Back."

I've found several of her stories in American
Literature Textbooks.

of Ms. O' Connor:

"...Highly unladylike...a brutal irony, a slam-bang
humor, and a style of writing as balefully direct as a
death sentence."

Time Magazine, quoted on the cover of the second
American edition of A Good Man Is Hard To Find

(huge grin)

how appropos.

I recently read Anne Lamott's "Rosie" and I'm about to
finish "Possession" before the exam in two weeks.


I spent the day working in a library.  so many
volumes, smooth of leather, worn with age were heaped
into my hands.  I wanted to stagger over the pages,
but they paid me by the hour.

Morte D'Arhtur-with Rockwell Kent's Illustrations
Canterbury Tales--with Aubrey Beardesly's


lindsey, signing off.
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