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Re: King of Rednecks

 Otherone writes:
> This is an extract of an National Public Radio

>> Interviewer: "Don't you admit that this is a
>> terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?"
>> Interviewer: "But you're equipping them to become violent killers."
>> LTG Reinwald: "Well, you're equipped to be a
>> prostitute, but you're not one, are you?"

I think that gun safety is very important for everyone to know, just
because you know how to use a gun does not mean that you will become a
violent killer.  You can kill with a gun whether or not you've been
trained how to use it. (Do you honestly think that those kids in Colorado
took the time to get properly train? THe children that they killed are
just as dead.) Its not that hard to point it at someone and pull the
trigger.  At a close enough distance the person will be just as dead. 
But learning gun safety and how to properly handle a gun can KEEP people
from getting killed.  For example, when I was 11 I got my hunting
liscense, not because I hunted, but because I babysat. Where I lived at
in Kentucky at the time, most people at the time owned guns.  I needed to
know how to put a safty on, unload a gun, etc. in case one was left out
in the reach of one of the children.
	Also, hunting in general is a good skill to have.  I don't
believe in hunting as a sport.  When I was little my dad worked at a
Steel Mill in Pittsburgh and got laid off for several years.  He went
hunting a couple of times so that we could eat.  We couldn't get social
security because we owned a car, but had we gotten rid of the car my dad
wouldn't ever have been able  to go find another job.  Him going hunting
kept us from going hungry.

	So yaeh I agree, jsut cause I got the equipment to be a
prostitute, doesn't mean I'm going to be one.  


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