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Re: Re: Re: Plans

In a message dated 5/10/99 11:39:54 PM, rushlight at hotmail_com wrote:

>Yeah...the museum is right across the street from brady's...:)
>i don't have any details on prices or hours...but i can get those tomorrow 
>at work! (all hail the power of having your own reference librarian :) )
Have I told you yet that you rock?

>>And jg sent me a clipping from
>>Cleveland Magazine about an exhibit at the Western Reserve Historical
>>Society's Chisholm Halle Costume Wing that's ALL about corsets! (Drool!)
>>Anyone know anything about where that might be?
>yeah...it's up in university circle...i can give fairly good directions to 
>get you up there...:)  although, due to timing, i wouldn't be able to go 
>with you...:(

Rats! Well, it probably isn't pleasant watching me drool over corsets & 
crinolines and such. Though it's probably amusing!
>i'll see if i can get details on that as well...
So I told you you rock, right?
>jamie the librarian (sortof like conan the librarian, only different)

I'm trying to picture Arnold Schwartzenegger (did I maul that?) in a 
loincloth of "The Collected Works of Proust"....