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Re: Rwanda vs. Kosovo

----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Swiston <alchemy at crl_com>
To: <Over-the-Rhine at actwin_com>
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 1999 10:49 PM

>And, having said all that, I think that Clinton and his
>advisors have screwed up worse than any administration in a
>long time.  Every third-grader knows that if you start
>making threats, you need to have a Plan B in case the
>threats don't work.  Apparently Clinton's only Plan B was
>more of Plan A.  I feel sorry for anyone who ever placed
>their trust in him; speaking as a very liberal person, he
>has done nothing but disappoint for the last 6 years, and
>this is looking like the biggest disappointment of all.

a phrase comes to mind :  never point a gun at someone unless you are
willing to pull the trigger.

Follow-Ups: References: