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Re: [Re: [Re: Weirdo Rankings (Was: Why)]]]

Dana McCullough <danamcc at netscape_net> sez:
>> I guess that it's time for a new string, guys.

>>>All you have to do is say the word, and the string is ended.


>Isn't there a better way??  I'd rather not.  Alright, here goes:
>Hitler in a corset.

Now there's an interesting concept.   It would have almost fit in that video I
watched this weekend.

>I must hang my head in shame for the third time today.

Only three?

>Atleast it's over.  I was just tired of seeing the header.

Muahahahahahahahaha!   It's BACK!
NP: Rush - _Power Windows_
ICQ: 1388556  ***    AIM: ChrisEmery
Floyd Code: v1.2a r+d>s TW 0/0/ FD 0- 0 Meddle 4 0 22.1% <12feb99>
"Also NOP should be an instruction in real life." - Kibo
