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Re: @easter goodness

You, eh..., you just spread'em words, sister Jessyka...:)

Alleluia, Holy Shit, where is my Tylenol?

----- Original Message -----
From: <JLuvzMusyk at aol_com>
To: <over-the-rhine at actwin_com>
Sent: Monday, April 05, 1999 12:22 AM
Subject: @easter goodness

so, i sit in church this morning, and every year they do the same dramatic
thing.  they have our soprano soloist ethel play mary, and she is joined by
several other women walking down the aisle, asking the congregation, "who
will roll away the stone for us?"  they get to the altar, the *tomb* and
the bass soloist (forrest) as jesus/an angel.  the chorus stands in the loft
and sings alan hovhaness' *i have seen the lord* with mary and the angel
singing their solo parts.  well, during an instrumental interlude, mary
(ethel) shouts out, "i have seen the lord!"  she says this several times.

well, this year, all of the children are sitting in the first two pews and
they stand up and start shouting "i have seen the lord!"  then they run to
the back of the church.  during the congregational hymn, which happens to be
*christ the lord is risen today*, all the children walk down the aisle,
carrying large potted lilies.  and the one child who was too small to carry
one of the pots was given a single flower to carry.

the choir, having never seen this part of the display before, was amazed.  i
turned to my alto compatriot and said, "makes me wish i believed in all this
stuff."  she said, "i do."

church today made me want to believe
lynzi's story made me want to believe
music in general, church music, makes me want to believe
so why can't i?

thank you all for listening to yet another lost soul

*hugz and kisses*

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