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Re: 100 posts! time to pop the chamagne!

Ysobelle sez:

> In a message dated 3/25/99 3:51:13 PM, Jaharnish2 at aol_com wrote:
>  >we've actually broken 100 posts in one day, and it's not even 3:45 PM.
>  >
>  And you know what the worst thing is? Poor Gardner isn't even around today!

Poor Gardner's going to be happy as can be, too!
You *know* this to be true.  <hi Bri! er, whoops - Gar! (does that work?)>

AmyromaniA sez:
> um, actually it's nearly 11pm. ;-)

Amy, that's just weird.  ;-)
i really do look forward to you being within the next time zone so i can
meetcha sometime.

mercifully sadistic,


NP:  :Wumpscut: - _Bunker Gate Seven_

"If you can't laugh at your situation, you need a new situation."
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	^v^	^v^	^v^	ICQ #13819982	^v^	^v^	^v^
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