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change of perspective

hello all.  hope everyone had an incredible weekend.  i'm sure i did.

i thought i might take a moment to let everyone know what it was like at canal
street the way i saw it . . . the view was a bit different from where i was
sitting, i believe.
scott (dearest of friends) and i arrived slightly after 8 o'clock on sunday
evening after taking a "shortcut" from anderson, indiana.  this was to be
scott's introduction to the band in a live setting.  oh, the excitement - the
anxiety, even.  we entered the tavern and were informed that the show was
"sold out for now" but that we would be admitted as standing-room-only after
the opening act.  whew.  
then, stepping from the shadows, a man offers to sell me a ticket.  i look at
scott, whisper, "i'll find us a place to sit," and pay my way into the show.
as the woman who is opening for otr finishes her set i stake out a place for
myself, standing by the door to the ladies' room.  someone brushes past me and
i mumble, "oh, excuse me . . . "  i turn and see that it's karin.  it sinks in
that i'm there.  happiness.
the opener is finished.  scott is allowed to enter and we find a seat on a
step at the feet of those sitting in chairs at the back - near the bar.
there's a constant motion of waiters and waitresses, the sound technician,
people moving from their seats to the restroom . . .  i have a perfect view of
the stage.  it's situated nicely between the heads of an older couple sitting
and drinking beer after beer at the table in front of us.  by leaning to the
right i can see jack and karin, and if i lean far to the left i see linford.
good enough.
through the first set i sit in awe (leaning over at the beginnings of the
songs to tell scott the names and trying to interpret for him, from time to
time, "what in the hell" karin is saying).  i don't worry about finding
listies or such things.  i just watch the stage - the woman who's voice can
send me into such a state of bliss, the gentleman who writes the poetry that
touches my heart so . . . jack, looking like a member of culture club.
during the intermission, linford wanders back to the small sound area (booth,
if you will).  i take the opportunity to tell him that it was so good to hear
them again.  so good.  he says thank you.  we return to our seats.  i think to
myself that karin and linford's hair looks frighteningly similar.  hmmm.
to my delight, during the second set karin speaks much more.  i could listen
to the woman speak for hours.  i inform scott of this and he really is
convinced that i'm obsessive, i think.  oh well.  during the entire second set
i have to consciously refrain from yelling out, " i love you karin!"  instead,
i just sit with a smile on my lips - my eyes want to close as i listen but, at
the same time, i can't tear my gaze from the stage. it's a wonderfully
familiar feeling, being here.  listening to this music - God, life is good.  
after the second set, scott and i are offered two seats behind us.  we take
them and can actually see the whole stage during the encore.  how nice.  how
very pleasant.  

basking in the afterglow,