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Re: remove

In a message dated 3/5/99 1:37:20 PM, rosepetal57 at hotmail_com wrote:

>rosepetal57 at hotmail_com

Okay. Obviously, this is a problem that isn't going to go away. I don't know
how all these folks get subscribed in the first place, but it seems they can't
get unsubbed  quite so easily. So I have an idea.

Now that Shelly's gone (on to greener pastures-- you GO, girl!), I don't know
who would take care of this, but on the other list I'm on, the Pittsburgh Goth
List (and that's the only one, for whomever asked, unless you count the Peter
Mulvey announce-list, and all the announcements I get from Mozilla and
Shockwave et al), once a month, the list administrator posts the list FAQ.
This one has to do with who's promoting what shows in the city, where to shop
for that perfect velvet, all that. And it also covers where and how to unsub
and/or resub if you need to. 

In other words, it's a gentle reminder of who we are, what we're doing, and
where the door is. Maybe all we need is a once-a-month of how to unsub. I
mean, look how it's hurting poor jg's feelings to see all these people peeling
off like dead skin from a leper. No-- dead bark off a live tree.

Chris, my love, can I give you back your bad mood now?

Y'all have fun tonight. Looks like I'm actually home instead of going to the
Theatre thing in NC.  Sigh. I'll still miss Jay and bink in kilts. Just my
luck. Someone call me from the venue-- bink & lynzi have my #-- and I want a