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Re: just a few days from now...

cemery at columbus_rr.com exclaims:

> You don't need an excuse to hug & smooch beautiful women.  They deserve it.


Chris, i'm now requesting permission to keep this as a sig!
Crediting yourself as author, of course.

I just don't remember reading any one quote that sums up how I feel quite so
:˜·)   It's *beautiful*, *snif*


NP: Dead Can Dance MP3's

"You say you've got a bone to pick
Well, there's plenty showin' on me."
David Eugene Edwards - 16 hp
(|==========-=-=----=----=---- - - -  -  -     -
<{---o<(\,- Sir Edward Jay, the Second ov Harnish -,/)>--o---}>
	^v^	^v^	^v^	ICQ #13819982	^v^	^v^	^v^
(|===========-=-=------=-----=-- -- -  -  -    -