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Re: Shamelessly stolen rhymes.

> Oh my.   You poor, deluded boy.  I only post from two accounts - this
> one and snd_chaser at hotmail_com.  Anyone else is just a figment of
> their own imagination.

ahhh! i made myself up? you mean i'll cease to exist if i stop
thinking about myself... help.

> To paraphrase Marvin: "Life is bad enough without inventing more of
> it."

marvian the paranoid android. love him.

> >The perversion of this split is that the two now actually *chat* to
> >other, this heightening the experience for young Christian.
> Christopher Michael, thanks.

john paul. hi. nice t'meetcha.

> "Ever heard the sound of a death row chorus?"
> -- 
> NP: Steve Taylor - _I Predict 1990_

i *love* steve taylor. actually, he asked for my autograph once. i was
at some christian music festival, in which he was the only good act,
and when my friend, aaron hodges, and i asked for his autograph, he
asked for ours, because we were the only people in the entire theater
dancing (and how can you *not* dance to "jim morrison's grave" or "i
want to be a clone?")  just my brief brush with stardom.


np- radiohead- the bends.
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