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RE: more music questions - Mary's Waltz

I know I heard Karen's voice on the new Natalie Merchant CD. She sings on a
couple of tracks and I believe Don plays on them as well but I'm not
positive... IMO they're the best songs on the CD... Their voices work
together very well.  As for Innocence Mission itself I have no idea... I'm
kind of curious too .



		there's another band i just don't hear anything about
anymore -- Innocence
		Mission.  i've seen them in concert a number of times
(they're from my place
		of residence - Lancaster, PA) but nothing for quite some
time now.  anyone
		know what happened there?

		incidentally, i did see Don & Karen Peris in the audience at
an OtR show
		once... :)

		np: "subdivisions" -- Rush

		> ----------
		> From:
Conrad.Lara at pmlmail_com[SMTP:Conrad.Lara at pmlmail_com]
		> Sent: 	Thursday, February 25, 1999 3:11 PM
		> To: 	'Over the Rhine Mailing List'
		> Subject: 	more music questions - Mary's Waltz
		> oh, and I am also on the Innocence mission list and the
David Wilcox list,
		> although I haven't read anything for ages. they've been in
my automatic
		> filter
		> list for a few months when I was really busy. Maybe i'll
change that
		> today....
