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Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest V2 #483

In a message dated 2/25/99 3:59:05 AM Eastern Standard Time, Owner-Over-The-
Rhine at actwin_com writes:

<< What bands other than OTR move 
 you to daily discussion?   >>

     Two others; An Alarm/Mike Peters list (anyone here remember the Alarm? An
eighties band. Used to open for U2 sometimes. Mike is the x-lead singer who is
still pretty active) and one for Lou Reed.

     The Alarm list can get a little whiney sometimes, but it's nice to know
others still love this band as it has always been one of my favorites. The Lou
Reed list (which often encompasses Velvets, Cale and other connections) isn't
always very active, but when it is it's a great list. 

