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@@@@Re: Re: Re: CBS. Welcome Home.

In a message dated 12/12/98 9:02:20 AM, binkmeisterrick at yahoo_com wrote:

>---Ysobelle at aol_com wrote:
>>...Three technogeeks in one apartment
>you know, Yzzer, that's pretty scary when you think about it.

So's the apartment, Binksnort-- remember?

>> And Chris, my angel, my love,
>>if you're implying I DON'T work, I'm sorry, but
>> I'm going to have to kill you now. I didn't get home tonight til
>12.30, and
>> it's going to be that way every night til Jan. 3. No New Year's Eve
>party for
>> this girl. Oh well. That's life!
>so, um, why are you getting home so late, my dear, hmmm? what exactly
>*do* you do behind the "scences?"

I am the Wardrobe Mistress for a new holiday musical called "A Country Carol,"
here in Philadelphia. I came on board Wednesday and we open tomorrow night.
And all the costumes need repairs, alterations, out-and-out replacing...all
this when they told me I'd just be a dresser and laundry chick. Whoo-hoo. On
the bright side, it looks like it's going to be a fun show. Suitable for all
ages. I think it'd make a neat gathering for certain people.

Not that that's a hint or anything.

>(hey, Yz, I'm even eating cereal at my monitor for you today!)

Yeah, but are you snorting it all over the screen? Doesn't count if you're