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Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest V2 #362

>Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 18:53:20 PST
>From: "Bruce Lachey" <b_lachey at hotmail_com>
>Subject: More albums?
>Ms. Godlove, I'm ~sure~ it didn't mean by Christmas.  They're demoing

Right.  They'll be working on demos throughout December.

>I don't think they can squeeze any more albums out, gang.  Four full
>studio albums, a Christmas CD, an unreleased collection full-length, a
>re-release with new material and live cuts, a split-single, compilation
>appearances, all in the span of like 6 years.  Name another band with
>that much output.

SIX YEARS!!  It's been 4 just since EVE.  and TWHF has been around since 89
or 90.  That would make it eight or nine years.  I'd call that average
output for any band, no more, no less.

>I can't imagine we'll see MORE creativity from being on a label either.
>Since when has that spurred the creative process?
>Not that I'm anti-label or anything.
>NP:  Ani D, the last of the great unsigned artists...  ; )