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Re: November 7, 1998

In a message dated 10/30/98 6:48:43 AM, cemery at iwaynet_net writes:

>>This wasn't a private email, was it, Binksnort? I don't have to come whup
>>Harry ass, too, do I?
>Get in line, sister. 

In a message dated 10/30/98 9:28:07 AM, suneidesis at hotmail_com writes:

>yeah!  was it a private e-mail?  what are you saying about us, Binky? 
>hmm?  what do you mean I'm odd?  if Yssi wants to solder her cats what's
>it to you?  it's a free country!

New idea, Binksnort: WE'RE all going to OtR. YOU, on the other hand, should
probably go to the Anne E. show. Your Harry ass will be much safer from all of
us. Remember: I DO carry a sword when I need to.
