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Tom Waits (no OtR content)

This has been a while ago. Yes, I'm slow in replying.

>I love you guys more and more every day!!   Little Ian has semi-permanently
>lost the cover (jewel box) to one of my Cole CD's.   We'll probably uncover
>it someday if we rearrange furniture or get the ducts vacuumed out or
>Jess,  somebody might,  just might!  be a Tom Waits fan on this list.  Wow!
>how cool (for me?) would that be?  Now if i could only get ~you~ to

Hey, I'm one! I've got all of Tom's CDs (excluding bootlegs)! His songs are
awesome. My favourite is 'The Black Rider'.

And I do like Holly Cole, too (apart from 'Temptation', Tom's originals are


NP:    nothing, I'm at work. Too bad...

Carsten Steins
Seminar fuer Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
steins at phil-fak_uni-duesseldorf.de