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Re: Re: @ Sixpence/Terroristen

In a message dated 10/23/98 2:38:14 PM, cemery at iwaynet_net wrote:

>>Sigh. Wish I could've been there. John Taylor is, after all, the man whose
>>cheekbones I've been hopelessly in love with since the age of...ummm...no ,
>>that's a depressing thought. Sigh. He's one present I wouldn't mind under my
>Looks like he's put on a few pounds.   Still got the floppy blonde
>bangs, though.

I know all about it-- it's all we discuss on the DD board. That and what was
Simon doing in that hotel with Sophy Dahl?

Apparently, the blond bangs have just re-arrived, and he's actually lost
weight in the last few weeks. Currently, the debate is over whether the pants
make his butt look especially cute or not. I'm, er...abstaining. I don't feel
like being called a _itch (insert your own first letter) because my opinion
doesn't match the masses. Besides, I don't drink enough for a lot of those

The most surprising thing? Most of these women are in their 30s, married, and
have families of their own. Aren't such things supposed to sap the energy that
usually goes into obsessions?

Ooops. I just tripped my cattiness meter. Time to sign off!