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Re: coming out of my shell...

i feel so silly; i didn't see mister matt dawson's inquiry until after i had
posted.  i suppose i should upgrade from the digest to the one-piece-at-a-time
version. there. it's number three on my to do list, after brushing my teeth
yet before seeking sleep.

it's good to see that there are so many friendlyheads here. i feel like i'd be
comfortable playing scrabble (or at least bowling?) with each and every one of

after rescuing _eve_ from a bargain bin at borders a couple weeks ago, my otr
discography is very close to finished. all i need is the scampering songs
version of _till we have faces_...any clue which direction i should search in?
of course i'll be stocking up on other otr paraphernalia at the cowboy junkies
show, which is in less than three weeks if my math is correct. (that would be
a minor miracle in itself, but anywho...)  what to wear? and what to wear for
halloween soon after? 

pardon my rambling, lambies. i feel like i've so much catching up to do.

much love,