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My Reply to Zena's reply

Zena, you raise some interesting points. 

(Very cool name, by the way.)

I guess I should explain what I meant a bit. 

For the list's benefit, I don't wish to resurrect the old argument that
the list "guidelines" explicitly ask that we not hash out repeatedly.
This is more of an explanation of why OTR strikes a chord inside of me.
If you don't wish to read "religious" subject matter, feel free to
delete immediately.

First of all I don't believe one can draw a line between what humans
have deemed "secular" and "sacred" (notice I did _not_ say between right
and wrong). Since I believe that all truth is God's truth - I also
believe that all that is true speaks of Him and lifts Him up. 

I suppose I meant to state the aim and the mission of the *band* as a
whole, who don't wish to be labeled as a CCM group versus other bands
that do. One thing I like about OTR, like you Zena, is that they discuss
Christianity/spirituality in ways that I have not heard other bands do
so. They bring these essences into the little things of life - the
passing thoughts, confused emotions that I often forget to stop and
ponder. I, too, love the way that their music grabs me and says,
"...yes, but have you ever thought about how this touches your life in
_this_ area?" As a Christian, I really appreciate the fact that they do
that as it relates to spirituality, and not _just_ love or sadness. I
love how they do this in all areas.

Now...to clarify (or confuse):

My Bible profs tell me that careers unrelated to ministry are just as
important as careers in the ministry - because not everyone is- or could
be- called to full time Christian service. But a Christian can glorify
God through her lifestyle and testimony in any career path she feels led
to pursue. I guess I see OTR as a group in which some of the members are
Christians and glorify God in their lifestyle, which comes out in the
words they write, while the mission statement of the overall band is to
make music and reach people with thought and beauty, rather than other
bands who make what they do an actual missionary activity. (I'm speaking
bands not individual members only.) 

These are all very good things.
Lisa Walker       office: F6419 
email: walkerl at cray_com
phone: 612.683.5825  voice mail: 612.683.3819

SGI internal website-->  http://wwwsdiv.cray.com/~walkerl/
External website-->      http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Coffeehouse/9608/