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Re: Re: no more Web Orchard?

Moving like a ghost on the skyline, Lisa Walker <walkerl at cray_com>

>Yeah, I went there, too. Really strange - no explanation. Which probably
>means something is going on, which we will find out about eventually. 

Most likely.

>Chris E., now is the time to use your mental prowess. 
>Don't let me down,

geez, don't put me on the spot or anything.  ;-)   You think just
'cause I snag a quote for you for my .sig, you can demand favors?

Seriously though, folks, that was Don Smith's personal web space, and
he can do what he wishes with it, and he's not accountable to anyone
for it.

--NP: Chris Squire - _Fish Out Of Water_
ICQ #: 1388556  ***    AIM: ChrisEmery
"Women who seek equality with men lack creativity."
      -- Lisa Walker
