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Bill Malonee's ramblings (yes, OtR content...)

hey rhiners,

The Vigilantes of Love happened to play a show recently in my sleepy
little  midwestern town of Warsaw, Indiana and i was fortunate to be
able to talk with Bill Malonee for about a half an hour.  he asked me if
I had seen Vol live before and i told him yes, i had seen them live a
couple of different times when they opened for OtR . to this, Bill
replied,  "yeah... OtR. we know those guys pretty well. I hear they're
gonna be signing with A&M records here soon..."

now, i realize that rumors have been circulating about this kind of
thing for a while, but the way Bill stated it, he made it sound like he
knew it for a fact. Anyone else hear anything (other than rumors, which
is probably all this is...)

and as for CJ & KL on Letterman, i won't comment on the mix or the fact
that they didn't get to talk or anything, i'll just say that I'm damn
proud of Karin and Linford. I'm one of the old schoolers that first saw
them at Sudsy's in 1992 and seeing them on national television last
night was quite an experience. It's like watching your kid score a
touchdown or win a race or something after remembering them tripping
around the yard as a toddler.  I'm not tryng to say that I think OtR
were toddlers back in 1992... i guess i'm just happy for them.

and for anyone else that actually read this far, thanks to a few
aquaintances of mine that spend waaaay too much money on computer
equipment, i should have last night's letterman performance converted to
either quicktime video or RealVideo (maybe both...) next week sometime
and posted on my website. if anyone happened to miss it, they'll be able
to check it out on-line.

good day to all,

NP: VoL_ To the roof of the sky

**  quiet music should be played loud  **
