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Re: ticking packages

Leaving a trail of cookie crumbs and wet footprints,
binkmeisterrick at juno_com (Rick Callender) said:

>Oops!  I changed the heading! ;{~}

Damn it, Binky!   ;-)

>while listening to the theme from Missiom Impossible, cemery at iwaynet_net (Chris Emery) writes:

Where's jg and the spelling police on this one?

It's 'Video Killed The Radio Star', btw.

>>Yeah...watch out for packages that are ticking, Binky.
>But I *know* what's comin' my way.

If it's from Ysobelle, it *has* to be good.

>And chances are she's breathing, she's breathing...

;-)  I hope so.

--NP: Buggles - _The Age Of Plastic_
ICQ #: 1388556  ***    AIM: ChrisEmery

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