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Virus not from me

Hey!  A virus just showed up on the web archive, *claiming* to be from me.  I
most certainly had nothing to do with it.  I use linux, anyway.  I haven't
gotten that message in the digest yet, but presumably I will be able to figure
out from the headers who it *actually* came from.

So how's life?  I'm teaching classes, working on the telescopes, doing light
designs, trying to figure out what the heck I'm going to be doing next year.  I
have a couple job offers on the table; I'll let you know when I know what
I'm doing.

Saw Ric Hordinski and Kim Taylor play last Friday.  They sounded great.  Ric,
once again, managed to do things with a guitar I've never seen or heard before.
Then I worked the Susan Werner show at the Ark on Saturday.  Next week The
Nields and Peter Mulvey are at the Ark, Thursday and Friday, back to back.
That'll be awesome.  Looking forward to going to a seder on Monday.

Hope you're all well,
Don Smith                           Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas@umich.edu                                http://www.rotse.net/dasmith/

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