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RE: music for spring

> Rhys wrote ~
> > it been raining here, long slow drips on the tin roof out back.

> Mmmmm - sweet rain here, too.  I've made a playlist of 'rain songs'
> including Dar William's track "The Beauty of the Rain", and then there
> are all the songs that just *feel like rain . . . "What I'll Remember
> Most" for instance, don't you think?

true. but ialso like Deep forest for rain. it just feels green to me.

and sad and slow. like rain is sometimes

> > what will you do for spring?
> I just walked in the door thinking about buying some pansies to plant
> 'til its warmer.  Your message, Rhys, was just the motivation to do just
> that!  Any other spring festivities?
> Sara

going barefoot! i've been going outside barefoot, driving home barefoot,
my feet feel like they can finally breathe!

dave matched all the socks in my drawer = rather distressing.


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