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Re: dem primary

On 2/4/04 12:59 PM, quoth the effervescent i_scoobysnak@yahoo.com at 

>here on the ground here in michigan before leaving for
>wasington state - with a delegate count of
>kerry   262
>dean    121
>edwards  97
>clark    80
>the collective is holding strong against the
>front-runner; we could be in for a longer battle than
>the media suggest.
>personally, i like all of them.  was even sorry to see
>joe drop out.
>that's all from saginaw - back to you, vince, 

I'm sorry to see Lieberman go, too, but I don't think the country was 
ready for him, and I do think he was a shade on the conservative side for 
my tastes. He also never filled out the MoveOn.org primary questionaire 
months ago, even though all the other candidates did. That always seemed 
not the smartest move to me.

Has everyone seen this?


It's been a great tool. I've passed it to all my friends, and to the 
Wench boards, and it's created a lot of comments. I posted my own results 
in my LiveJournal, my online bastion of liberalism and insanity. I'm 
guessing my username will be pretty obvious.

Philly Democrats MeetUp on the 18th if anyone's interested....

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