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Re: envy


Quoth Kelvin:
> Gosh...I remember how hard that was for me in 2001.

Really?  I never would have guessed.  You fit right in to the madness
and mayhem.  :-)

> I remember that I first saw a tall guy in a hat and overcoat and wondered if
> it were someone I should know.

Was that me?  Not too many people still wearing fedoras these days.

> I wandered around a bit until I saw the kilt and the corset.

"The Kilt and the Corset."  Wow, now *there's* a name for a band.  Or an
overblown romantic historical epic miniseries.  The potential is staggering.

> The evening at Uno's, meeting and talking to people was incredible. Brunch at
> Drew's was very solidifying.

Absolutely!  It was fun to see that whole room at Uno's full of people, and the
hoots and hollers when we each introduced ourselves was delightful.  I tell ya,
if the brunch had happened this year, there would have been a better than even
chance I would have driven down just for that.  It was fun to hear people play
music, to see the stuff Michelle sent from Hawaii (and eat the macademia
nuts!), and the jokes became legendary.  Those poor, poor missionaries.  And
from that brunch Rent-a-Don was born, and I got to visit Michelle in Hawaii,
and I finally came to appreciate the sense of humor of The Drew.  I know, took
me a while, but I got there in the end.  :-)

Have a great time tonight!
Don Smith                           Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas@umich.edu                                http://www.rotse.net/dasmith/

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