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RE: Rip Torn (was RE: too early?)

(note that i say this before reading the 43 posts that follow this one. however. my short term memory stinks. and it's 1:45 am. so take me with as big a grain of salt as that requires.)

Thanks, Drew. It's been a long time since I said "amen" AND snarfed while reading the same post!


* The human body is not something of which you should be ashamed.

My only thought was that dearest mother, in becoming a mother, had
_probably_ seen "one of those" before! In fact, the house manager told me a
story of taking a phone call from a group of elderly women who wanted to see
the show. He mentioned the fact that there was male nudity, and the old lady
on the phone replied, "It'll be nice to see one of those again. It's been a

	* People hide behind religion for these hangups. It's no wonder
Christians & Christianity have a bad rap. And the thing that blows my mind
about that is that MANY Christians have never even read the Bible (which
explains to a large extent their confusion about doing things in "God's
and once again, yes. 'ridiculous conservative rhetoric' has never been something i have a high tolerance for either.


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