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Re: E Geist says:

--- Benjamin Torbert <bct1@duke.edu> wrote:
> > only a lunatic drives into nyc  :)  then again,
> i've
> > been known to do it occasionally.
> Driving in and around NYC isn't that hard as long as
> you know where you're
> going and as long as you're capable of driving as or
> more aggressively
> than Joe Yankee.  However, I'd recommend that anyone
> who drives to NYC more
> than once annually get EZ-Pass.  I love EZ-Pass.  It
> shaves of somewhere
> between 20 minutes and half an hour from DC to NY. 
> At least in my
> experience.

hey - shouldn't that be "thus sayeth e. geist"?  :)

i like traffic hassles increasingly less the older i
get.  been through the tunnels and over the bridges a
few too many times.  though i do agree, relative to
say boston or long island, nyc/manhattan is a danish
or at least a sugar-and-cinnamon coated puffed pustry.

a friend of mine was given a $50 fine and a three-year
ban from e-z pass b/c of violating the speed limit
through it so many times.  i still abuse the hell out
of him about it :)

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