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first ohio road trip, and question about otr dvd!

hello everyone,
for any one who doesnt want to read about my road trip with ohio just skip to the bottom about otr dvd question!
just a late note to say that i went for my first road trip on the weekend with ohio!..
my last road trip was down to bendigo to visit my sister. when i got home about 2 days later "ohio" arrived,
i am finding it hard to believe that ive gone a whole month and a bit with no road trip, and any one who knew me would also find that hard to believe,
anyway it was my first trip away with ohio to listern to, and i have to say "i didnt like it" i like my road trips to last a long time, but to listern to ohio, it goes by quick, i got to play each disc twice and then i was there, i love listerning to "ohio" but i think for a road trip it might have to hide.
and please dont get me wrong here, i do love the cd and i love driving and listerning to it, but i think ill have to save that album for 8+ hours trips, 4 to 5 hours isnt enough time to listern to it a couple of times plus all the other albums. 
however "ohio" will be an excelent album to listern to while working (if i ever get a job) as it will make the day go by quicker  hehehe!
before i finish of here has any one heard about over the rhine's dvd, i though it was coming out about december, thats only 2 months away!
well i hope everyone is all doing good, have a nice day or night, (what ever time it is when you read this)
from emily

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