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Re: Cruel & Pretty

"Even if I did succeed in giving a little something beautiful back to the 
of what possible use could it be?  Is there room in the world for one more
beautiful thing?  Or wait: does all this nonchalant loveliness cry, Glory,
glory, glory?  Does the world cry out, Let there be music?  Am I caught up 
something?"                -- Linford Detweiler, Unsung

Michelle, thanks so much for quoting this.  I was immediately reminded of 
this line of William Blake's:

"When the Sun rises do you not see a round Disk of fire somewhat like a 
Guinea O no no I see an Innumerable company of the Heavenly host crying Holy 
Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty."

This comes so close to describing their music for me.  They see this 
holiness everywhere...like Annie Dillard...

"What a hideout: Holiness lies spread and borne over the surface of time and 
stuff like color" (For the Time Being).

It's this poetic/artistic vision into the ordinary that sets their music 
apart...  Of course, a lot of music does this, which is what makes it good, 

But like Linford, I feel this helplessness to...

Ana Maria

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