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tour dates! (and the birthday question)

Hey all, 

I love getting these e-mails in my inbox. I hope all that lost power are doing well -I haven't seen the news, so I don't know how the restoration is going.

What a tour! I think that I will make it to these dates,

THU 10/16       ARLINGTON, VA           Iota       
FRI 10/17       ASHEVILLE, NC           Stella Blue           
SAT 10/18       ATLANTA, GA             Echo Lounge 

so I hope that I will meet at least a couple of you:) I also have high hopes for the Christmas tour. 

As for my birthday, it is February 18th, 1978. I always loved it for two reasons, both entirely selfish :)

1. It falls near President's Day. Therefore in school, as at many jobs that followed, it's always been a holiday.

2. I come from a large family. But, (and this was very important as a child), everyone else was born in the summertime. My brithday fell in the middle of the midwinter blahs, so we made a huge production of it. (Any excuse will do as a reason to have a party)

That's my maunderings for the night. Sleep well, lovely list.


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