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Re: Power

Ok this is weird.  We live in Massillon, Ohio, just
outside of downtown.  I was outside letting the pup in
when the power went down.  At first I thought my
husband did something because he was in the basement. 
We finally saw one of our neighbors running around
outside and seems the neighborhood had no power. 
About ten minutes later it came back on.  I called my
mom-in-law and dad answered.  He immediately said
power was out in half the nation.  They still had no
power and they live up the street from us.

  So we happen to live in the historic district which
flows right into downtown and there is a small grid
which has some kind of emergency backup and a few
blocks only lost power for ten mins.  They even went
on with the regular downtown concert even though half
of the street had no power, the other half did.  So we
were part of a few people who had power while the rest
of Massillon sweltered until 11 pm.  We drove around. 
It was kind of neat to see the city with no lights. 
And we were driving when the power came back on.  It
was a little scary because everything lit up all at

I hope everyone else had power who is on the list.  We
were fortunate in our little city block.


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