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lyrically speaking

Driving home from working yesterday, I was thinking about Ohio and that City 
Beat interview (thanks, Drew!), while listening to Under the Pink (for Space 
Dog).  Bells For Her came on...

"and we go at each other like blank ettes"

...and I was reminded how I always appreciate lyric inclusion on an album.  
I guess I'm kind of a purist that way because the meaning of a phrase or 
verse can totally change when you see what's really going on (sorry for 
stating the obvious)...and not only because of puns!  It can also affect the 
way you feel the song (don't ask me what I mean cause it's hard to 
explain)--like when I hear I've Been Slipping, I see it in those lovely 
lower-case couplets and think of e.e. cummings ("maggie and milly and molly 
and may / went down to the beach to play one day")...

So I guess this is my little question to toss out into the void: what songs 
have changed in meaning for you when you discover the original lyrics?

Trying to wake up,
Ana Maria

P.S. I've heard that Victoria Williams specifically does *not* include 
lyrics because she likes the listener to get whatever they want out of her 
songs and not have that change with her orig. "intended" meaning...

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