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(whatever you want)

Well folks,

It's that time again. You can now pre-order OHIO, the new specially-priced 
double album from Over the Rhine. Those that pre-order the 2 cd set will receive 
a signed copy (Yes, we're gluttons for punishment) and a special, tiny 
(hand-inserted) treat. Go directly to overtherhine.com. Do not pass Go. Do not 
collect $200. We've wrapped up 21 songs, over 90 minutes of music, 2 cd's, rambling 
liner notes and once again, the timeless photographs of Michael Wilson.

(We'll be putting the special vinyl edition of OHIO up for sale a little 
later. Although, if you want to go ahead and imagine holding the gatefold jacket 
in your hands at this time, please feel more than free.)

It's been a good ride. It's hard to believe that this is our tenth recording 
project overall:

1991 Till We Have Faces
1992 Patience
1994 Eve
1996 Good Dog Bad Dog
1996 The Darkest Night of the Year (Our After-Dark Christmas Record)
1997 Besides 
1999 Amateur Shortwave Radio 
2001 Films For Radio
2002 The Cutting Room Floor 
1803-2003 OHIO (Double Album)

We're still here. (We've seen so many young bands come and go in the last 10 
years.) You're still here. (In spite of the slump that the "music industry" 
seems to be in, the community of folks that have found our music continues to 
grow steadily.) Again, it occurs to us that this is what's referred to in the 
world of metaphysics as a miracle. We couldn't have done it without all of you. 
You have our thanks.

Anyway, we think you'll have fun tracing lines from all nine previous 
projects to this new one. It feels like these songs helped us find our way home 
somehow. We'll be touring all of the USA this Fall to spread the songs on OHIO 
around a bit. We'll post more on that soon--new dates are being confirmed 
everyday. Those of you who caught the July 4th midnight show at Cornerstone saw the 
5-piece band that will touring with us this Fall. Fasten your seatbelts.

One other bit of good news: we are turning over the fulfillment of our 
on-line orders to the fine folks at Paste Music. Nothing will change--you'll still 
be able to come to overtherhine.com and poke around and pick up a new t-shirt 
or a few cd's from the catalog or whatever. But when it comes to actually 
processing the order and shipping it promptly, we're finally bringing in the 
professionals. Paste has a proven track record, and darn good taste to boot.

Also, we noticed that the squirrels are gnawing on the back corner of the 
Grey Ghost, getting ideas about turning the eaves into a squirrel condo. This is 
all-out war. I pulled out the catch-and-release trap yesterday evening and 
have already made three trips to French Park: 2 squirrels and a young possum have 
been relocated to the woods 5 miles from here. We're in the early stages of 
an official "squirrel drive."

Finally, speaking of touring, it looks like we'll be playing The Bluebird in 
Denver on Wednesday the 29th of October. Here's the thing: we're not 
considered much of a viable halloween act. I can't imagine why, but nonetheless, it's 
an issue. I'm sure the folks on the discussion list could take lines from our 
songs and develop all manner of Halloween themes/costumes/party ideas etc, but 
club owners seem to lack the requisite imagination. So we're wondering if 
anyone has any ideas for shows between Denver and Seattle, from about the 30th of 
October through November 3 or 4. (We'll be playing Boise and Seattle, but need 
some filler.)

If you think your college might be interested, or if you own a 10,000 acre 
ranch with an amphitheatre, or if you think you can get the word out and want to 
try to host a house concert, or if you know of a great coffeehouse that does 
music, or if the retired ladies at your church have a sewing circle and have 
been wanting to bring in a dreamy Midwestern Rock and Roll outfit from OHIO 
during one of their quilt-making gatherings--we're pretty much wide open. Please 
e-mail your ideas to OTRhine at aol_com.

I know OHIO, the back roads, I know OHIO like the back of my hand...

Hope to see you soon,

Linford and Karin of Over the Rhine

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