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cruel place

hi all, im back
had computer problems, which doesnt suprise me.
is this world a cruel place or what, i wasnt going to mention work till everything was sorted out and that i left, well im so close now, i just have to wait for my boss to come up, but i think i may just quit over the ph.
just after christmas last year someone hit my car, and tried making it look like i was at fault, this person claim was dropped, now just about a month ago a man hit my car and drove off, luckly i got his nuumber plate, any way all damage has been fixed and payed for, now tuesdat just gone, i was giving a bus a tour of our factory, just as i was waving good bye to the coach group, some **** head, came flying around the courner driving up a lane way nearly hitting a parked car. this concerend me, as it was my car he was driving off in, some  (so in so, cant say what ide call him) stole my car, 2 days latter police havent found it, i just have 3rd party inssurance, which runs out on the 23rd of this month, i was then going to change it to fire and theft as my sisters car caught on fire 3 months ago. just to top my luck off, 6 of my 7 otr cd's were in my car, i was planning on getting them out after the bus when going to get lunch, i now only have the cutting room! floor, which was my new alarm clock cd, just swapped it with cd with murder, i was begining to love that song.
the worst thing was i was about to make coppies of my cds like some1 surgested to me.
i never was a person who saw things as a sign, well i did but never took 100% notice, but now i just dont no what to think, the last 6 months ive felt like every thing told to me was a test to see how i would cope, like some one was trying to push me over the egde, and each time ide try think of some thing positive or listerning to my otr cds or go for a drive, now i have to wait for my mum to make up her mind on what shes doing so i can use her car or not, dads aready asked me if i want to find a new car, but ive worked so hard on this one making it nice for how i want it, ive used ennamel from work, over the gear nob, and along the dash board, to give it the emily touch, its taken me 2 years to do my car, ive saved up to get it painted as paint job was bad
i feel im on the edge of a melt down,
could life get any worse
"the best therapy is over the rhine"
 it just a problem when you dont have there cd's 

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