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What time is it, kids? It's *TV* time!!

A-dog said:

>Ok, how do you all have time to watch all these TV shows? I feel so out of 
>the loop. The only TV
>I have time to watch is a few minutes of Simpsons reruns on Friday nights. 
>I might turn on Conan,
>and I wish I could Watch Enterprise, but wow. I don't even have time to 
>watch PBS for gosh
>sakes!!! (although I do listen to NPR if I'm near a radio)

I'm about the same - I get about an hour in a week, usually Simpsons, 
Friends or Will & Grace.  If I stayed home at all, perhaps I'd get some more 
quality time in with the TV.  That said, with the recent skyrocketing bills 
that my wretched car has faced, I'm trying to stay in and pinch a penny or 
two.  So perhaps it IS in my future, who knows.

** Everybody Loves Raymond (But Me) **
So that Ray Romano blockhead has signed for $40 to $50 million to do the 
next season of his show.  Which amounts to maybe $2M per episode, making him 
the highest paid actor in TV history.  I know I don't have much room to talk 
since I've never seen the show -- I have a long standing belief that the 
majority of people on a TV show should be better looking than me, and that 
cast seems downright scary.  Can the show really be worth it?  How on earth 
could it be funny with all those ugly people??  ;)

** Three's Company Reunion "Special" **
Ohmygosh.  This was so wretched, it was great.  Do miniseries (or what are 
they called if it's just one night?) come out on DVD?  This is going at the 
top of my want list.  It's produced and narrated by Joyce Dewitt..  I'd just 
read online about something they're doing on the West coast called "Instant 
Films" where real actors, screenwriters and directors are given a few plot 
bits and then write a 7-9 minute screenplay in 12 hours and film for a day, 
then screen a day later.  This has gotta be an extended version of that.  
Maybe they were given 14 hours to write this, and a few minutes to rehearse 
their "acting".

My only regret is that the first 35 or so minutes seemed like a music video, 
with everyone moving too fast and then some clever slo motion bits..  Then 
it lost momentum.  Maybe they couldn't scrape up another $1000..

We're at the sad "Chrissy is reduced to phone in bits" - I can't take this.  
Last night, Kelly Taylor reduced me to tears recalling her first sexual 
experience.  Tonight, THIS?!  I am not some afterschool special who's 
emotions can be toyed with like this..

2nd night in a row of crying myself to sleep..

"Jack has his hand on Mr. Furley?!"

>Ok, sorry about that rant, please boo me in the same way the Oscar's crowd 
>booed Michael Moore.
>I don't know what way that is, because I didn't have time to watch the 
>oscars, heck, I don't even
>know what won best picture.

Perhaps they were either chanting "Bruuuuce" like at a Springsteen show or 
"Ruuuben" from that American Idol thing I still haven't seen.

At any rate, we're here to help, A-dog.  "Crossroads" with Britney Spears 
narrowly beat out "Swept Away" starring Madonna to heap in the awards.

He didn't even bring a blanket,

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