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Re: jesus/christians swearing

The difference is the social context. While, the literal meaning of F--- and screw are the same, the cultural context is not. F--- has a stronger meaning. This is the same with damn and darn.
Although, I have to disagree with what was said about there are no bad words. While many of our words are bad just because of culture, words like damn (especially in the contexts of Damn it) are, in fact, wrong because it is an actual curse. you are actually saying, I condemn it to hell.
The word f--- is really interesting. Originally, it was used as we might say frick nowdays. It was actually a shorter version of the latin word "fuccant" (this is according to the exhaustive Oxford dictionary, in case you want to dispute me). Shakespeare liked to dance around this word, but I digress. Anyway, almost from it's inception, the f word has been a "bad" word.
np: Stereolab - Ping Pong

wrosesongs at fastmail_fm wrote:
what's the difference between saying 'screw up' and 'f- up' or 'screw
you' and 'f- you'.

don't run with scissors,

np: sarah masen - s/t

On Sat, 19 Apr 2003 10:25:53 -0400, "res0t2me"
> iin other words, swearing should not be a part of
> ordinary conversation or communication. it doesn't represent the teachings of
> jesus or what the christian life should be about. there ARE bad words and
> anyone who professes faith should accept the fact that although we'll screw up,
> we're still held to a higher standard by God and (hopefully) ourselves.

wrosesongs at fastmail_fm

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And I use these words pretty loosely. There's so much more to life than words.
-Linford Detweiler
Aaron J Edwards
edwardsaaron2000 at yahoo_com

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