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Re: It's all really ON TOPIC

Hi, everyone,

Been insanely busy with no time to write (See
http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/04/01/1048962759751.html for how I spent
last weekend).  We have two telescopes running in Texas and Australia, and I'm
going to Africa in June to set up the third.  I'm teaching a class on cosmology
for non-physics-majors.  The whole history of the universe from start to finish
with no math.  It's a challenge.  Today I have to explain why time flows more
slowly the deeper you get into a gravity well, and why black holes evaporate.
With no math.  Erks!

Peter wrote:
> BTW, I like to think I'm only four degrees separated from Bacon myself, but
> it all depends on whether or not you count my home movies.  :)

I've got three, two different ways.  I'm not an actor, but I do theater tech,
and I worked on shows in college with my friend Immanuel Jacobowitz, who was in
_The Seventh Sign_ (under the name Manny Jacobs) with Demi Moore (he was the
kid who helped her with the Bible stuff), who was in _A Few Good Men_ with
Kevin Bacon.  I've also helped my musician friend Jim Infantino with
performances, and he was in plays in high school with Kyra Sedgewick.

See ya,
Don Smith                           Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment
donaldas at umich_edu                                 http://xte.mit.edu/~dasmith/

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