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Re: Smeagle rocks (spoilers? Spoil-ED.)

Drew Johnson wrote:

> so, you don't want me to talk about the all-singing, all-dancing
> Rohirrim?  That Eomer...he sure cuts a good rug...
> -Drew J

Agreed.  Still, I'm apalled at the lengths to which Hollywood will go 
when appealing to the lowest common denominator sometimes.  I seem to 
remember the elven language being somewhat different.  Oh, the PROFANITIES!

Also, the softcore with Aragorn and Arwen wasn't horribly out-of-place, 
but the gay scene with Merry and Pippin really crossed the line. 
There's no WAY that was the best way to escape from their predicament.

In addition, I didn't realize that Ron Jeremy has been in on the 
production of these films until I looked really close at the credits 
tonight.  Is there /anything/ he hasn't had his fingers in?

-Smitty the Rebel Rouser

(NP:  Death Cab for Cutie - Coney Island)

(BTW, I'm sorry.  For those who didn't get any of the hidden obscenity, 
do yourself a favor and don't try to figure it out.  You don't want to 

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