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Re: Re: fuck all y'all

On 11/9/02 4:11 AM, quoth the effervescent CD-Lindemer at wiu_edu at 
CD-Lindemer at wiu_edu:

>>and most importantly...what
>>does one wear to one of these parties????
>Oh, you know, leather, vinyl, PVC, stainless steel.  *ahem*  ::looks 
>around feverishly::
>At least, that's /what I've heard/.  Yeah.  What I've heard.

Hm. Sounds like the last Vesago to me. Or maybe Convergence. Or, hey, 
wasn't Whitby last weekend? You want a party that looks like that, 
Smitty-my-heart, you let me know.

>>knit one, pearl two, kint one, pearl three....
>I would mention something about a necklace, but I'm much too tactful 
>(and innocent!  PURE AND INNOCENT I SAY!) for /that/.

You are a bad, bad boy.

I like that in a person.

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