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RE: Letterman, here I come!

This is harder than it should be...

10. His middle name is Bud.  Bruce "Bud" Lachey.  Err., Melman.
9. Bruce excels in cold temperatures.
8. Like Dave, I possess a low tolerance for celebrity.
7. I can be the "man in the street" without risk of rushing fans.
6. I have a penchant for reading mail aloud.
5. Bruce is easy on the eyes if you know what I mean (and I think you do)
4. Indiana is a mere stone's launch from Bruce's boyhood home.
3. His goldfish's names are "Uma" and "Oprah"
2. My pet's tricks are so stupid, it's blood type is Ragu.

and the Number 1 reason Bruce should be host Letterman:
1. Two words: Interrupting cow!!


>From: "Lawlor, Barry" <Barry.Lawlor at ssa_gov>
>Bruce Wrote:
> >>Hopefully Dave will do that thing like he did 10 some years ago and
> >>pick someone out of the audience to run the show for 20 minutes...
> >>  :)
>Bruce, I am tired and bored and ready for a 3 day weekend.  If I knew
>you better I would write a "top 10 reason's why Bruce deserves to run
>Late Night With David Letterman for 20 minutes".  Could you give me
>and the rest of the list your top 10 reasons?  This list likes top 10
>lists right?  Everyone play along at home.

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