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pleasant show at a pleasant shop with significantly pleasant beverages

for those of y'all who wear fanny packs,

(Over the Rhine-ish content x 2)

Ashley Peacock is playing a show at the very
wonderful Pleasant Perk coffee house in Pleasant
Hills, OH (a neighborhood/township/whatnot in the
Greater Cincinnati area).  It's right near the
Dubliner and Everybody's Music (one of the best
music joints in the Cincinnati area).

The Music and Personage of Ashley Peacock
Saturday, June 22, 2002
                  from approx 8:00-10:00pm
Pleasant Perk Coffeehouse
6105 Montgomery Rd.
Cincinnati, OH
for more info on Ash:

OtR-content #1: Ashley has the lead-off track on
CD#2 of the What It Takes To Please You OtR
Tribute CD...

OtR-content #2: the Pleasant Perk coffee house
is directly across the street from where Karin
and Linford did their Films For Radio acoustic-
show/meet-n-greet on the release date of March,
13, 2001.

hope to see some of you there!

i'm just fine,

np: frog the hydrated widgit - dulcinea

*here are two wonderful pages that Dan maintains*
    VISIT - My Essential Music Favorites List:
    VISIT - Pixie Princess Jewelry Studios at:

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