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Was Re: Soccer , now: MST3K and nostalgia

yort5thor at yahoo_com (Troy Miller) wrote: 

> Our group kinda MST3K'd it pretty bad.  

Think you earned the Best Use of a Proper Noun as a Verb Award for that 
one... I like.  ;)

> ...and then they break in at the halfway point, first to hawk
> Billy's new book, and then to ask for money.  I mean, c'mon - you're
> either doing an outreach, or a fundraiser, you can't do both.

Well *sure* ya can.   One of my biggest pet peeves about the Radical Right 
(and there are several... no, many...) is that *everything* is a fund-raising 
opportunity.  Go far enough right, and NOTHING is done without a donation 
expected... that hypocrisy alone is enough to make my cynical.   

But I'm not in a ranting mood today, so I'll leave it at that.

Quite nostalgic actually... my son graduated this morning from elementary 
school.  The same elementary school from which *I* graduated.   Afterward, 
most of the fifth grade class met up for a party at the community pool, and I 
couldn't help but remember when *I* was hanging out at the pool, watching the 
boys do insane things off the diving board.  Now my son's one of those 
fearless types who was throwing himself into the air.   I feel both old and 
wistful now.  And proud.  I'm quite proud of him. *smile*    

Ok, I'll shut up now.  
Esp. since I can't even find a decent -joking- way of relating this to OTR... 
?  ;)
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