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Re: a few things

This conversation is making me tired today.  I had
some responses written up to Don's earlier post, but
trashed them. 

Now I just don't have the energy to respond
 <everyone else on the list cheers>

I did want to reply to Peter's comment:

> Similarly,
> when I cry during a
> movie, it often has little to do with the artistic
> value of the movie in
> question and a lot to do with the personal stuff I
> bring to a film.  

Which is where I was going earlier.  I think very
little in life isn't viewed through our own subjective
experiences.  Even when we try to be objective, we are
still coloured by our own experiences, and thought
patterns.  Have you ever tried to think about someone
you have strong feelings about?  You either like them
or dislike them based on your own feelings...  If we
try to sterilize everything by removing our
subjectivitity, it becmomes a moot point.  We only
like or dislike that person due to our preferences. 
If we apply the theory using a set of rules, like "I
like only 'purple' people because they are truly
loyal," then we are still using our own past and
personal thoughts about what loyalty is to us--it's
probably rarely the same from person to person--so
then to take it a step further, we would need a
pre-approved definition of loyalty--you don't have to
take this very far to see we would all end up mindless
clones...btw, I haven't seen star wars yet.

My apologies to the people who are over this thread. 
I'm sympathetic to you.


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