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Re: RE: Faithfully Dangerous

On 4/11/02 7:55 PM, quoth the effervescent randomricky at hotmail_com at 
randomricky at hotmail_com:

>Hey, remember your netiquette (sp) and stick to the beer theme (or at least 
>mention something about it.  Sometimes the twists and turns these replies 
>take distract us from what is important.


No, remember yer netiquette and STOP QUOTING THE WHOLE EMAIL EXCHANGE! 
Come on, guys-- some of you are even quoting .sigs and headers and those 
little ads for yahoo. You're making me cry! 

Repeat after me: "I will only quote that part of the email to which I am 
responding that is relevant to my reply."



(Quivering, wild-eyed in the corner, clutching my 1993 Italian bootleg of 
a NY DD show and my Japanese double EP CD, for comfort)

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