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language (was Re: S-c-h-e-r-m-e-r-h-o-r-n)

--- rhys daily <shadow at teuton_org> wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Mark wrote:
> i'd guess that more know a part of a foreign
> language than the encompassing culture.
> i think it's worse to know a language or claim
> knowledge without understanding or striving to
understnad the mindset behind it.
> how else will you understand the langauge truly? 
> since those who speak it do think differenlty.

definately true -- languages have their own feel or
vibe as well, when i could still speak spanish, i
noted a huge difference between my
attitude/personality when i spoke spanish as opposed
to when i spoke german as opposed to when speaking

spanish, italian seem livelier than other
languages...ironic as they stem from latin (i believe)
and latin is quite dead(though some would claim
otherwise -- these people are still looking for


for a small girl, barbara sure has a got a big crush.
the kind that makes you want to break stuff 
and blame it on a man you don't know --
--fountains of wayne

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