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Re: I know this is a longshot, but...

Gah!  First 'Fly Dance', now  'Last Night' too?!    Heehee....  ;)

>Does anyone think this line from Last Night has sexual

Nah...  that's not what I get, personally.   Well, yes and no.  Not in the 
graphic way you mean, though.  

That verse reads to me as a duel... a challenge implicit in the hair and the 
waiting, accepted by his arrival for the 'rendezvous'... although if the 
pistol is (hidden) in her dress, perhaps he isn't completely aware of the 
danger.   I can see an intimacy suggested in both the mention of a dress 
(hardly attire suitable for truly violent intent, contrasts with the texture 
of 'iron')  and in the words 'sweet caress'.. which, suggesting gentleness, 
contrast with the shooting that occurs in the next line.  A 'twitch' is 
'command'ed (aren't 'twitches' typically involuntary?).... and it all 
concludes with the imagery of 'fell upon the sand'... does the dreamer 
envision a death, or passion, or both?  Isn't the ambiguity/dichotomy between 
all of these things the point?

The song, to me, seems to be about coinciding vulnerability and strength... 
and it isn't that *she* is actually doing these things, it's that *he's* 
dreaming she is... it's more about him and his view of her and the risks to 
both of them.

But that's just my sort-of 'gotta-write-a-high-school-essay' reading of it... 
and colored by my own experience... I wouldn't presume that to be the intent. 

Another $.02 flung at the list...
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