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Re: My first time :)(live lunch)

Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 16:42:06 -0500
From: "Kylie Wilkerson"

<<So...I listened to what I could of the Live Lunch. 
xxx...I am in awe of that sweet voice. 
Gosh...I loved it. I can't wait to SEE them live. It 
was just beautiful. :)xxxI really want to go to
Cornerstone. Undeniably...Kylie>>

I highly recommend going to Cornerstone. That's the
first place I encountered Over the Rhine. 

One of the cool things about the fest is that the
artist usually make themselves very assessible. I
bought my first CD straight from Linford not knowing
he was Linford until later when I heard other people
talking with him. It's was probably a good thing I
didn't know who he was because I would have gushed
non-stop about the bands greatness. 

Congrats on hearing that 'sweet voice' in a live
setting. After seeing them in concert, listening to
the CD's becomes a tease until you are able to get
your next Live fix.

Pack your tent, buy some food and head to Illinois in


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